Everything Calculator

Made by: Max Konietzko

+ = Addition
x = Multiplication
- = Subtraction
÷ = Division
^ = Exponent
% = Percentage
√ = Sqr Root
³√ = Cube Root
△ = Triangle Area
◯ = Circle Area
◬ = Triangular Prism Volume
❑ = Rectangular Prism Volume
⬤ = Sphere Area ⊿ = Pythagorean Theorem
፳ = Prime Number Check
Mi-Km = Miles to Kilometers
Km-Mi = Kilometers to Miles
Ft-M = Feet to Meters
M-Ft = Meters to Feet
Cm-In = Centimeters to Inches
In-Cm = Inches to Centimeters
°F-°C = Fahrenheit to Celsius
°C-°F = Celsius to Fahrenheit
Kg-Lb = Kilograms to Pounds
Lb-Kg = Pounds to Kilograms
